
Showing posts from February, 2021

Week 7 Blog

      This week we talked about sexual intimacy and how women and men have different needs when it comes to sex, and how pornography can affect the sexual relationship between a couple. The first discussion we had was about the need for affection and an emotional connection during sex. Woman have a lot stronger need for an emotional connection during sex than men. Men have a stronger sexual need and because of that they are able to have a sexual relationship and be aroused without having a connection to his sex partner. It was mentioned that woman need to feel safe, warm, and close before they can even begin the sexual arousal process for sexual intimacy.      In sex there is also an importance to recognize if you are feeling passion or lust when having a sexual relationship. In my opinion since men don't need an emotional connection with the person they are having sex with I think there would be a higher chance that a man may be having sexual intimacy just...

Week 6 Blog

      This week we talked about the transition points in marriage and in relationships. Transition points are the best way to guide and move your relationship the way you want it to go. Some of the main transitions we talked about were: dating, courtship, engagement, marriage, ready for kids. Let's go through these one by one.      A relationship first starts with two people meeting and becoming interested in getting to know each other better. Kind of like how we talked about in last weeks blog, you might meet someone from hanging out, or maybe asking them on a date. Then once you have met them you probably ask them out on a date to really see if it is someone you are interested in, it will probably take more than one date to really find that out. I think it is also important to do a wide range of dates so you can see the hobbies of the person and see how they act in certain situations.      Once you have gone on a couple dates you would...

Week 5 Blog

      Well this week was a really fun topic! It was all about dating. The readings we had to prepare for class covered a lot about hookups and a lot of things that people do when they don't want to be in a relationship but they want the benefits of being in one. Concerning hookups, lauer & lauer says that heavy drinking played a big role in them, and 23% of the women of a study with 178 students and 7% of the same study said they had experienced unwanted sexual intercourse. I think this is terrible, first of all as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints we I believe we shouldn't have sexual relations outside of marriage. The culture of dating nowadays, is if you are dating someone you are probably hooking up with them, but that's not how it should be and in a lot of cases that's not how it is.      We talked about how a date should follow the three p's. A date should be paid for, paired off, and planned. People are more into hanging...

Week 4 Blog

    This week we discussed the interesting and controversial topic of gender. We discussed the questions: does gender really matter? What can/should we understand regarding gender as we plan, create family relations? Think to yourself your answers to these questions as I give my thoughts and opinions on the roles of different gender and if gender really matters.       First I would like to discuss the roles of the different genders, and please remember that these thoughts are my opinions based on what we learned in class. There is no right or wrong roles for genders. I feel that in most family cases the man in the house is the one that most likely has a full time job and provides for the family. In a proclamation given to us from the leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints there is a sections that addresses the roles of parents. It says: " By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsibl...