
Showing posts from April, 2021

Final Blog

      I can't believe this is my last blog! I wasn't super enthusiastic about blogging for this class when we first started, but I have really come to enjoy it. I have loved having the opportunity of going to my class and then being able to share my thoughts and opinions that I got out of it. Today I have some thoughts and opinions on the topic of families breaking apart, new families being formed, how to avoid divorce, and the challenges and opportunities that are associated with blended families. These are the topics we covered this week, and I will try to give my thoughts on all of them but I might not be able to fit it all in this blog.     First I would like to talk about how to prevent divorce. Divorce is a sad thing that happens fairly often in today's society. I want to make sure I talk about it first because divorce does not have to happen in a marriage. We talked about incompatibility. There is a definition of incompatibility that talks about peop...