
Showing posts from December, 2021

They say/I say

  Luke Richards ENG 150 Brother Farnsworth  11/18/21 They say/I say How many of you have ever texted someone while sitting right next to or right across from them? I know I have, and I bet most of you have as well. Smartphones these days now have so many different forms of communication, many of which don’t require any words said. For example, snapchat. Snapchat is an app where you can send pictures and then type a message on the picture if you would like. So say you are out at a nice lunch with some buddies and the food looks delicious. What do you do? You take a picture of your yummy looking food and send it to your friend who is sitting right next to you and has their own food which they send a picture of to you. You then laugh at what just happened and have a good time. This is what our communication has come to. It is less common for us to discuss what is going on and more common to send pictures of texts of what is going on, even to the people we are currently with. Or...