Week 11 Blog

    This week we talked about parenting. Parents are the best, even when it might not seem like it, they are always there for their children and want the best for them. Parents follow an endless line of having their own parents which makes them more than capable at parenting their own children, yet it is still a huge fear new parents have when they have their first kid. It is a big deal to be a parent, having a young child can be scary because you always need to keep an eye on them, but then when they get older they want to make their own decisions even when the parents know what is best for them. Not all parents are perfect obviously, and there are some circumstances where the children are abused which is awful, but all of the good parents a lot of the time don't get the respect they deserve. 

    The most important job parents have in my opinion is teaching their kids right from wrong. This does not just mean teaching them the big things like not to steal, or hurt someone. It also involves teaching them the smaller things, like how to treat the opposite gender, or how to act around other adults, or when it is okay to be funny and when it's not. As humans we are not perfect, so our parents cannot teach us perfect, but one of our parents, our father in heaven is perfect. He knows what is best for us and can help is be better by guiding us through revelation. As our earthly parents help us understand right from wrong, and as we try to follow their teachings we become more like our father in heaven. The Bible and The Book of Mormon are great teachings we have that also teach us how we should live on earth and also help us become better and improve so that we can be like our father in heaven. It is not just our father in heaven we want to become like either, our earthly parents can be great examples and we should strive to walk in their footsteps and be like them too. 

    Now, parents can't always be the "good guy" disciplining is an important factor parents have to do to their kids. I think this goes along with when I said parents should teach their kids how to act around other adults. Parents need to teach their kids the respect chain, nothing is more annoying than when kids talk back to adults as if they know more than them. In America respecting your elders is not a very large and obvious part of our culture like in some other countries, but I still think it is very important. Disciplining can be a problem for the parents though, because they love their kids and they want to be their friend but if they ever need to raise their voice to let a child know they stepped out of line it makes them seem like the bad guy and sometimes it can be very hard for a kid to forget that. I wish kids could realize though that everything the parents are doing is to help them in their future, it is definitely something I wish I had seen when I was a kid. The way I reacted to my parents has affected my relationship with them now.

    Cooperation, self-esteem, and responsibility. Three things that kids should try to have while learning from their parents. Look at your parents with respect and keep and open mind when they are giving you suggestions even if it seems stupid, they usually know what they are talking about.



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